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Pepperweed pull

June 8, 2019 @ 9:00 am - 12:00 pm

Help the Ipswich River Watershed Association protect the biodiversity of the Great Marsh by pulling pepperweed at sites in the Great Marsh region in Ipswich.  Groups of volunteers are needed to help control this invasive plant by manually pulling out plants and disposing of them properly. Mass Audubon and US Fish & Wildlife Services staff will train you to recognize the invasive species and to distinguish them from native species we are working to protect. We are working to contain pepperweed in the Great Marsh region and to prevent its spread to other locations.  Please help join the team!  Meet at the First Church at 1 Meetinghouse Green in Ipswich.

Contact Liz Duff lduff@massaudubon.org or 781-392-6507.


June 8, 2019
9:00 am - 12:00 pm

